Ninth International Conference

Nov 12-15, 2000
Cambridge, MA
System Architecture


Simulation and Verification | Communication and Networks | System Software | Low-Level HW-SW Optimizations | Secure Global-Scale Systems


Support for High ILP Processors | Multithreaded Processing
  Sponsered by:
  With support from:
Hewlett Packard
Sun Microsystems




System Architecture

- Designing Computer Systems with MEMS-based Storage
   Steven W. Schlosser, John Linwood Griffin, David F. Nagle, Gregory R. Ganger
- Architecture and Design of Alpha Server GS320
   Kourosh Gharachorloo, Madhu Sharma, Simon Steely, Stephen Van Doren
- Timestamp Snooping_ An Approach for Extending SMP's
     Milo M.K. Martin, Daniel J. Sorin, Anastassia Ailamaki, Alaa R. Alameldeen, Ross M. Dickson, Carl J. Mauer, Kevin E. Moore, Manoj Plakal, Mark D. Hill, David A Wood

Simulation and Verification

- MemorIES- A Programmable, Real-Time Hardware Emulation tool for Multiprocessor Server Design
    Ashwini Nanda, Kwok-Ken Mak, Krishnan Sugavanam, Ragendra K. Sahoo, Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan, T. Basil Smith
- FLASH vs. Simulated FLASH_ Closing the Simulation Loop
    Jeff Gibson, Robert Kunz, David Ofelt, Mark Horowitz, John Hennessy, Mark Heinrich
- Using Meta-level Compilation to Check FLASH Protocol Code
    Andy Chou, Benjamin Chelf, Dawson Engler, Mark Heinrich
Communication and Networks
- Evaluating design Alternatives for Reliable Communication on High-Speed Networks
     Raoul A.F. Bhoedjang, Kees Vertoep, Tim Ruhl, Henri E. Bal, Rutger F.H. Hofman
- Communication Scheduling
     Peter Mattson, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Ujval J Kapasi, John D. Owens
- System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors
     Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, Seth Hollar, David Culler, Kristofer Pister
System Software
- Power Aware Page Allocation
      Alvin R. Lebeck, Ziaobo Fan, Heng Zeng, Carla Ellis
- Hoard- A Scalable Memory Allocator for Multithreaded Applications
      Emery D. Berger, Kathryn S. McKinley, Robert D. Blumofe, Paul R. Wilson
- Thread-level Parallelism and Interactive Performance of Desktop Applications
      Krisztian Flautner, Rich Uhlig, Steve Reinhardt, Trevor Mudge
Low-Level HW-SW Optimization
- Effective Null Pointer Check Elimination Utilizing Hardware Trap
     Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani
- Frequent Value Locality and Value-Centric Data Cache Design
     Youtao Zhang, Jun Yang, Rajiv Gupta
- Efficient and Flexible Value Stamping
    M. Burrows, U. Erlingson, S-T.A. Leung, M.T. Vandevoorde, C.A. Waldspurger, K. Walker, W.E. Waihl
Secure Global-Scale Systems
- Architectural Support for Copy and Tamper Resistant Software
     David Lie, Chandramohan Thekkath, Mark Mitchell, Patrick Lincoln, Dan Boneh, John Mitchell, Mark Horowitz
- Architectural Support for Fast Symmetric-Key Cryptography
     Jerome Burke, John McDonald, Todd Austin
- OceanStore_ An Architecture for Global-Scale Persistent Storage
     John Kubiatowicz, David Bindel, Yan chen, Steven Czerwinski, Patrick Eaton, Dennis Geels, Ramakrishna Gummadi, Sean Rhea, Hakim Weatherspon, Westley Weimer, Chris Wells, Ben Zhao
Support for High ILP Processors
- Software Profiling for Hot Path Prediction:  Less is More
     Evelyn Duesterwaald, Vasanth Bata
- OS and Compiler Considerations in the Design of the IA-64 Architecture
     Runi Zahir, Dale Morris, Drew Hess
- Hardware Support for Dynamic Activation of Compiler-Directed Computation Reuse
    Daniel A. Connors, Hillery C. Hunter, Ben-Chung Cheng, Wen-mei Hwu
Multithreaded Procesing
- Symbiotic Job scheduling for a Simultaneous Multithreading Processor
     Allan Snavely, Dean M. Tullsen
- An Analysis of Operating System Behavior on a Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture
    Joshua A. Redstone, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy
- Slipstream Processors_ Improving both Performance and Fault Tolerance
     Karthik Sundaramoorthy, Zach Purser, Eric Rotenberg
General Chair: Larry Rudolph, MIT
Program Chair: Anoop Gupta, Microsoft Research
Financial Chair: Derek Chiou, Avici Systems
Publicity Chair: Boon Seong Ang, HP Labs
Workshops Chair: James C. Hoe, CMU
Local Arrangements Chair: David R. Kaeli, Northeastern U.
Wild and Crazy Ideas Session Chair: John Kubiatowicz, UC Berkeley
Program Committee:
 - Saman Amarsinghe, MIT
 - Gaetano Borriello, U. Washington
 - Alan Cox, Rice University
 - Davind Culler, UC Berkeley
 - Sandhya Dwarkadas, U. Rochester
 - Armando Fox, Stanford
 - Kourosh Gharachorloo, Compaq
 - Anoop Gupta, Microsoft Research
 - Mark Horowitz, Stanford
 - Galen Hunt, Microsoft Research
 - Wen-Mei Hwu, U. Illinios
 - John Kubiatowicz, UC Berkeley
 - Todd Mowry, CMU
 - Trevor Mudge, U. Michigan
 - Duane Northcutt, Sun
 - Kai Li, Princton
 - Larry Peterson, Princton
 - Per Stensstrom, Chalmers U
 - David Wood, U. Wisconsin