6.S078 Course Information

Spring 2012

Prerequisites 6.004, 6.005
Students should be familiar with programming in an object oriented language (e.g., Java, C++) or a functional language (Haskell, ML, Scheme).
Lectures and Tutorials Lectures will be from 1:00 PM to 2 PM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Room 37-212. Some class sessions are designated as tutorials.
Grading Policy The grade in this course will be based solely on you performance on the lab exercises. Each lab is to be done individually. There is nominally one lab per week for a total of 10 labs. Since Lab 7 had double the weightage, the course had "11" effective labs. Each lab will get a numerical score. You must secure 50% in at least 8 Labs to get a C; at least 75% in 9 Labs to get a B and more that 75% in all 11 Labs to get an A. Case-by-case waivers for late lab Case-by-case waivers for late lab submissions may be granted by the TAs for legitimate reasons. It is more important to turn in a lab late than to not turn it in at all.
Lab Assignments Labs are to be done individually and are designed to help you construct and test designs using the techniques learned in the lectures. Some of the labs are too long to be done the night before the due date, so plan accordingly. See the schedule for details on when labs are due. Feel free to get help from others, but the work you hand in should be your own.
Computer Lab The computer lab for this course is 38-301 and it is open 24 hours a day. The lab access code will be given out in class. If you have forgotten the code then please contact the course staff. The lab contains 20+ workstations donated by Intel.
Collaboration Collaboration amongst students to understand the course material is strongly encouraged, however any work you turn in must be yours.
Course Reading Materials Required: BSV By Example
Recommended: Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
Computer Communication The TAs and instructors can be reached for questions, comments, etc. via email at 6.s078-staff mit edu. We will mail all announcements, labs, clarifications to assignments, answers to common questions, etc. to the course email list at 6.s078-students mit edu.