We will post various announcements relating to lectures, assignments, and the projects on this website, so please check back regularly. We will also try to post all announcements to the student mailing list.
Your Group number, mentor, and meeting time is posted on the website under projects. Every report you turn in must include your group number and names of all the group members. Reports are due the day before your meeting so we have enough time to read them all before the meeting. Reports should be emailed in pdf format to 6.375-staff mit edu and copied to your mentor.
The final report of the project should include the following elements:
- Project Object
- Must include the benefit of solving or modeling the problem on an FPGA.
- High-Level Design and Test Plan
- Must tell us about your design, how you propose to provide input or see the outputs, and verify that it is actually doing what it is supposed to do.
- Microarchitectural Description
- Detailed design -- modules, functionality, interfaces, interaction with the host processor. This is very important to have before diving into BSV code.
- Implementation Evaluation, Performance
- Design Exploration
- What can be changed, which alternatives were explored, etc...
The day before your weekly meeting you should submit the current draft of your final report. Initially this will consist of just the project objective and high level design and test plan, but you will continue to add to the report and revise it as the projects progress. The schedule lists which parts of the report must be completed by which weeks, as well as what discussion we will have at that week's meeting.
We would like to hold all final presentations on May 12th from 3-6pm. Final reports will be due in class on May 12th.
- Bluespec should now work on the Linux machines in the athena clusters in addition to vlsifarm-01.mit.edu and the 38-301 lab. You should no longer get the "Bluespec executable not found BLUESPECEXEC" error.
- Lab 1 has been posted to the course website (http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.375/).
- This Friday, 2/5, at 3pm in 32-124 will be a tutorial demonstrating how to write, compile, and simulate a simple design in Bluespec using the Bluespec Workstation.