Most of the documents referenced by this page are available in PDF format. On Athena, Mozilla is already configured with the necessary plug-in to view PDF files. To configure the browser on your machine you may need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- L01: Complex Digital Systems [ L01-Introduction.ppt ] [ L01-IntroductionPrint.ppt ] [ L01-IntroductionPrint.pdf ]
- L02: Introduction to Bluespec [ L02-IntroductionBS.ppt ] [ L02-IntroductionBSPrint.ppt ] [ L02-IntroductionBSPrint.pdf ]
- L03: Combination Circuits in Bluespec [ L03-IFFT.ppt ] [ L03-IFFTPrint.ppt ] [ L03-IFFTPrint.pdf ]
- L04: Simple Synchronous Pipelines [ L04-SynchronousPipelines.ppt ] [ L04-SynchronousPipelinesPrint.ppt ] [ L04-SynchronousPipelinesPrint.pdf ]
- L05: Elastic Pipelines and Basics of Multi-rule Systems [ L05-ElasticPipelines.ppt ] [ L05-ElasticPipelinesPrint.ppt ] [ L05-ElasticPipelinesPrint.pdf ]
- L06: IP Lookup: Some subtle concurrency issues [ L06-IPLookup.ppt ] [ L06-IPLookupPrint.ppt ] [ L06-IPLookupPrint.pdf ]
- L07: IP Lookup-2: The Completion Buffer [ L07-IPLookup-CompletionBuffer.pdf ]
- L08: Modeling Processors [ L08-PipelinedProcessors.ppt ] [ L08-PipelinedProcessorsPrint.ppt ] [ L08-PipelinedProcessorsPrint.pdf ]
- L09: Elastic Pipelines: Concurrency Issues [ L09-ModelingProcessors-2.ppt ] [ L09-ModelingProcessors-2Print.ppt ] [ L09-ModelingProcessors-2Print.pdf ]
- L10: Modular Refinement [ L10-ModularRefinement.ppt ] [ L10-ModularRefinementPrint.ppt ] [ L10-ModularRefinement.pdf ]
- L11: Stmt FSM [ L11-StmtFSM.ppt ] [ L11-StmtFSMPrint.ppt ] [ L11-StmtFSMPrint.pdf ]
- L12: Multiple Clock Domains [ L12-MultipleClockDomains.ppt ] [ L12-MultipleClockDomains.pdf ]
Lab Assignments
- Lab 1: A Simple Audio Pipeline [ lab1.pdf ] (02/03/10) [ lab1-harness.tar.gz ] (02/11/10)
- Lab 2: Fast Fourier Transforms: Extending the Audio Pipeline [ lab2.pdf ] [ lab2-harness.tar.gz ] (02/12/10)
- Lab 3: Simple Audio Signal Manipulation [ lab3.pdf ] [ lab3-harness.tar.gz ] (02/19/10)
- Lab 4: Audio Pipeline on the FPGA [ lab4.pdf ] [ lab4-harness.tar.gz ] [ FPGA assignments ] (02/27/10)
- Lab 5: A Pipelined SMIPSv2 Processor [ lab5.pdf ] [ lab5-harness.tar.gz ] (03/05/10)
- Tutorial 6: Project Ideas [ project-ideas.pdf ]
- Sample project with DDR2 and SceMi [ ddr2sample.tar.gz ]
- Bluespec Divider Implementation [ div.tar.gz ]
- Bluespec Square Root Implementation [ sqrt.tar.gz ]
- smips-bmarks [ smips-bmarks.tar.gz ]