We will post various announcements relating to lectures, assignments, and the projects on this website, so please check back regularly. We will also try to post all announcements to the student mailing list.
- 03/20/05 - There will not be a fourth lab assignment. There have been a few changes to the order + content of the final three lectures. See the schedule.
- 03/07/05 - A list of project ideas is now available. Preliminary project proposals are due by March 18.
- 03/04/05 - Lab 3 is now available on the handouts page. The due date for Lab 3 is now Friday, March 11. As mentioned in the tutorial today you will probably want to make use of the more powerful Athena/Linux machines located in the public Athena clusters.
- 02/22/05 - Lab 2 is now available on the handouts page. The due date for Lab 2 has been pushed back to Monday, February 28. Lab 3 will now be assigned on Monday, February 28 and it will be due Monday, March 7. There will be no class on Wednesday, February 23. Instead Professor Arvind will be available to answer questions or discuss projects in his office 32-G866 and Chris will be available in the computer lab (38-301) to help students with Lab 2.
- 02/19/05 - Lab 2 will be handed out via email on Monday, February 21.
- 02/17/05 - The course CVS repository is now operational so please begin using it for your lab work. Refer to the lectures slides for information on submitting your completed lab. We are now using makefiles as opposed to the mkasic.pl script used earlier in the course so please make the transition as soon as possible.
- 02/07/05 - A datapath diagram for the two stage SMIPS processor you will be implementing in Lab 1 has now been added to the lab handout. Please download the new version of the Lab 1 Handout.
- 02/07/05 - It should be possible to use 6.884 or 6.823 (but not both) to satisfy one of your TQE requirements for the Systems Group. Unfortunately, the official EECS TQE Memo #3805 does not yet list 6.884 as an option. In future years, 6.884 will replace 6.371 but until then you will need to fill out a petition to use 6.884 as part of your TQE. Visit the Graduate Office (38-444) to pick up a petition and then have one of the course instructors sign it.
- 02/06/05 - An updated version of the slides for Friday's lecture on Digital Design with Verilog have been posted on the handouts page. A simpler and improved GCD example is now in the course locker at /mit/6.884/examples/gcd.
- 02/03/05 - Chris will be holding office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in 38-301. We will see how these times work for the first week or two and then possibly make adjustments. Office hours are also available by appointment - simply contact Chris directly (cbatten mit edu).
- 02/02/05 - Please contact the staff at 6.884-staff mit edu with your athena username if you were not able to make the first day of class. We are assembling a course mailing list which will also act as the AFS access group for the course locker. You will not able able to use the tools unless you are on the mailing list, so please contact us regardless of whether you are enrolled for credit, as a listener, or if you are just sitting in.
- 02/02/05 - Classes will be held in Room 24-307 not in Room 24-121.