- L01: Complex Digital Systems Introduction [ L01-IntroductionSplit.pdf ] (09/04/19)
- L02: Combinational Circuits [ L02-CombinationalCircuits.pdf ] (09/06/19)
- L03: Complex Combinational Circuits in BSV [ L03-ComplexCombinationalCircuits.pdf ] (09/09/19)
- L04: Sequential Circuits as Modules [ L04-SequentialCircuitsasModules.pdf ] (09/11/19)
- L05: Folded and Pipelined Circuits [ L05-FoldedandPipeliendCircuits.pdf ] (09/13/19)
- L06: Hardware Synthesis [ L06-HardwareSynthesis.pdf ] (09/16/19)
- L07: Bypasses and EHRs [ L07-BypassesandEHRs.pdf ] [ Ehr.bsv ] (09/18/19)
- L08: Serializability [ L08-Serializability.pdf ] (09/23/19)
- L09: IP Lookup [ L09-IP_Lookup.pdf ] (09/25/19)
- L10: Non-pipelined Processors [ L10-NonPipelinedProcessors.pdf ] (09/30/19)
- L11: Multicycle Processors and Pipelined Processors [ L11-MulticycleProcessorsAndPipelinedProcessors.pdf ] (10/02/19)
- L12: Pipelined Processors [ L12-PipelinedProcessors.pdf ] (10/09/19)
- L13: Cache Design and Implementation [ L13-CacheImplementation.pdf ] (10/11/19)
Supplemental Materials
- S01: Basic BSV and lab-related BSV topics [ S01-BSVandLabs.pdf ]
Final Project
Final Project Overview
[ finalproject.pdf ] (09/17/19)
Lab Assignments
See Lab Machines (Updated for Lab 4!) for details on the machines you can use to do these labs.Reading materials for FFT labs (Labs 1-4) are available at Resources.
Lab 1: A Simple Audio Pipeline
[ lab1.pdf ] (Due: 09/16/19)
Lab 2: Fast Fourier Transforms: Extending the Audio Pipeline
[ lab2.pdf ] (Due: 09/23/19)
[ lab2-harness.tar.gz ] (Also available in the course locker) -
Lab 3: Pitch Shifting: Completing the Audio Pipeline
[ lab3.pdf ] (Due: 09/30/19)
[ lab3-harness.tar.gz ] (Also available in the course locker) -
Lab 4: Audio Pipeline on an FPGA
[ lab4.pdf ] (Due: 10/07/19)
[ lab4-harness.tar.gz ] (Also available in the course locker) -
Lab 5: RISC-V Processors
[ lab5.pdf ] (Due: 10/21/19)
[ lab5-harness.tar.gz ] (Also available in the course locker)